Dream On has facilitated a number of community education seminars and meetings as part of its Prevention Program.  We strive to empower people with knowledge to prevent:

  • Children and women from becoming victims of human trafficking

  • Gender-based violence and sexual exploitation

  • Teenage pregnancy and dropouts from school

  • Contraction of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections

  • Mortality from treatable and preventable illnesses

Health & Sex Education Classes for Teens

Dream On has conducted enriching sex education classes that were enthusiastically received by students and teachers in Ghana. These workshop included fun and interactive games to promote discussion on topics, such as puberty, sexual reproduction, menstruation, pregnancy, birth control, prevention of disease, hormones, and sexual responsibility. Young adults learned about the warning signs of becoming a potential victim of human trafficking or sexual abuse and how to recognize and report abuse in the community. Participants have always been eager to learn, asked thoughtful questions, and actively participated in the exercises and discussions.

Community Healthcare Education

After witnessing several children die from typhoid — a treatable and curable illness — Dream On purchased National Health Insurance for over 1000 children who were living in poverty in Ghana. During registration for health insurance, Dream On facilitated community meetings for parents to discuss the importance of healthcare, maintaining insurance coverage, preventative care, and provision of timely treatment when children fall ill.