During the rescue operation ––the window to freedom –– and the days immediately following, there are critical needs to be addressed for the safety, health, and well being for victims of human trafficking or sexual violence.

The road to recovery and reintegration is a long journey, and one that requires a team of professionals to provide psycho-social counseling, medical care, legal assistance, and academic or vocational education, among many other support services. The ongoing costs for holistic support are extensive and vary depending upon the plan that is tailored for each person.

Listed below are estimates of what it takes to fund the rescue and rehabilitation of one person.  





Every rescue is different and depends largely upon the location and number of support staff needed for the mission.  Before the rescue even takes place, a thorough investigation is completed and the mission is strategically planned. Some expenses for a rescue mission involve the following:

  • Transportation

  • Support Staff

  • Temporary Shelter

  • Clothing, Food, and Personal Items



The first few weeks following the rescue are a time for healing, assessing, and determining a long-term plan that is tailored for each individual. Medical care, nutrition, and psycho-social support are essential to this process. Some of the expenses for rehabilitation involved the following:

  • Diagnostics & Medical Care

  • Clothing, Food, and Personal Items

  • Support Staff

  • Rehabilitation Center

  • Educational Background Assessment

  • Psychological Assessment

  • Transportation




$3,300-$5,500 ANNUALLY

Reintegration plans are tailored to the individual needs and vary greatly according to age, level of education, psycho-social evaluation, location, and many other factors. Some of the ongoing needs are as follows:

  • Medical/Dental/Vision & Eye Care

  • Psychological Counseling

  • Clothing, Food, and Personal Items

  • Support Staff

  • Foster Placement or Children’s Home

  • Day School, Boarding School, or Vocational Training

  • Tutoring/Mentorship

  • Extra Curricular Activities



Building a legal case involves hours of collecting evidence, travel to towns and villages to interview witnesses, and meeting with members of the Department of Social Welfare, the Ghana Police, medical and psychological experts, and other professionals. While costs vary with each case, common needs are as follows:

  • Legal Assistance

  • Travel

  • Support Staff

  • Investigative Equipment

  • Research Reports & Expert Opinions