Dream On envisions a world where freedom from slavery is an indomitable right from birth and access to basic human rights paves the way toward fulfillment of dreams and aspirations.
To combat gender-based violence and human trafficking and the underlying causes using a culturally sensitive community-based approach.
In support of our mission, Dream On:
Sets holistic and culturally sensitive standards for victim aftercare.
Implements community health programs to address the underlying causes that contribute to human trafficking and human rights abuses.
Provides educational/training opportunities to vulnerable children and survivors of GBV and human trafficking through the tertiary level.
Raises awareness about human trafficking for sexual exploitation and commercial labor, as well as all other forms of modern-day slavery.
Collaborates with civil society and governmental stakeholders to create long-lasting and sustainable solutions including creation of infrastructure and provision of eduction/awareness on the underlying causes of human trafficking.
Empowers children and youth to combat human trafficking and curb the demand for such practices in their society.
Collaborates on precedent setting human rights abuse cases with government agencies which set standards to be followed, as well as sends a clear message to perpetrators that they will be prosecuted.